Who is Punxsutawney Phil? In which state was Dr. Seuss born? What horrible event happened on September 11, 2001? All the property names in Monopoly are names of real streets in which Northeastern State?
Learn important facts about the Northeast states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont. Identify statements as fact or opinion. Write and mail a postcard. Use conjunctions to join words, phrases, and sentences. Use a dictionary page and guide words. Develop language arts skills of identifying syllables, pronouns, root words, suffixes, and compound words. Write an acrostic and hyperbole. Write a report of at least three paragraphs about a designated topic. Add and subtract three-digit numbers with regrouping. Write numbers in expanded notation, and express a word problem as a numerical equation. Make a bar graph, picture graph, and line graph to display information. Create a mosaic to represent the fallen twin towers. Make salt water taffy. Play state capital bingo and spelling baseball.
Skills List
Sample Lesson
Sample Worksheet
Northeast States Unit Study Includes:
Documentation of skills taught within the unit study
Detailed lesson plans
Step-by-step instructions for teaching your child
Activities for different learning styles
Enrichment activities to challenge advanced learners
Handwriting guidelines
Worksheets for practice with each lesson
Reading practice pages
Literature List
Materials List
Templates for resources:
- Calendar
- Hundred Chart
- Spelling Squares
- Square Tiles
- Bingo Game Board
- Shape Memory Game
- Sight Word Flashcards
- Place Value Board
- Base Ten Pieces
- Sink the Ship Game Board
- United States Map
Grade levels: 2-3
This is a three-week, 144 page unit.
Student workbook pages are designed to reinforce the daily concepts and are included within the unit.
ISBN-13: 978-1-947916-16-6
Format: downloadable or loose-leaf
Number of Pages: 142 pages
Publisher: A+ Publishing LLC
Publication Date: 2018
Dimensions: 8.5” x 11”