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Math Homeschool Curriculum Skills List | Secular First Grade

Math skills are introduced with manipulative activities that help the child see and work through the concept in a tactile manner. This is followed by an individual activity or practice worksheet (included in the lesson).

Whole Numbers and Sets

  • Count by ones forward from 1 to 100 and backward from any number.
  • Count by twos, fives, and tens from 1 to 100 from memory.
  • Count by threes, fours, sixes, sevens, eights, and nines using a hundred chart.
  • Count by hundreds to one thousand.
  • Recognize, read aloud, and write the numerals in order from 0 to 1,000.
  • Locate numbers from 1 to 100 on a hundred chart.
  • Identify a number that comes after a given number.
  • Identify a number that comes before a given number.
  • Identify a number that comes between two numbers.
  • Use place value to describe whole numbers between 10-100.
  • Compare sets of objects and say whether the number of objects in one set is equal to, greater than, or less than the number of objects in the other sets.
  • Identify one, ten, and one hundred more than a number.
  • Develop the ability to understand and use ordinal numbers, first through tenth.
  • Apply ordinals to daily experiences.
  • Identify even and odd numbers.
  • Identify dozen and half dozen.
  • Understand and identify place value for each digit in numbers to 1,000.
  • Identify the numbers Roman numerals represent.

Patterns and Operations: Algebraic Thinking

  • Copy, extend, describe, and create simple repetitive patterns.
  • Identify a missing shape or symbol in a repeating pattern.
  • Identify a missing number in a sequence.
  • Translate a pattern among sounds, symbols, movements, and physical objects.
  • Model addition by joining sets of objects and note that the new set is more than any of the original sets.
  • Review addition facts 0-10.
  • Learn addition facts 11-20.
  • Add up to five single-digit addends without and with regrouping.
  • Add two- and three-digit addends without and with regrouping.
  • Model subtraction by removing a set from a given set and note that the remaining set is less than the original set.
  • Learn subtraction facts 0-20.
  • Subtract two- and three-digit numbers without and with regrouping.
  • Write addition and subtraction fact families.
  • Use addition and subtraction to solve problems.
  • Use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to check answers.
  • Show the meaning of multiplication.
  • Use manipulatives to model and solve multiplication problems.
  • Show the meaning of division.
  • Use manipulatives to model and solve division problems.
  • Use comparison symbols (<, =, >).


  • Identify, name, and describe polygons.
  • Identify angles and sides.
  • Find the area of a shape using nonstandard units.
  • Find the perimeter of a shape.
  • Identify and draw congruent shapes or line segments.
  • Combine geometric shapes to make a different shape.
  • Sort shapes and explain the sorting rule.
  • Classify objects according to color, shape, size, function, likenesses, and differences.
  • Describe the location of one object relative to another object using words such as first, last, between, in, out, over, under, above, below, between, next to, behind, and in front of.
  • Identify and draw a line of symmetry.
  • Identify objects with symmetry.
  • Create symmetrical designs.

Measurement/ Estimation

  • Identify today’s date.
  • Identify dates on a calendar.
  • Solve problems using a calendar.
  • Identify yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
  • Identify days of the week and months of the year.
  • Identify days of the week and the weekend.
  • Identify morning, afternoon, evening, and night.
  • Identify a.m. and p.m.
  • Use digital and analog clocks to tell and show time.
  • Tell and show time in one hour, half hour, quarter hour, and five-minute intervals.
  • Order events by time.
  • Compare events according to duration.
  • Identify cold, cool, warm, and hot temperatures.
  • Compare differences in hourly, daily, and seasonal temperatures.
  • Compare objects and situations by relative temperature.
  • Read a Fahrenheit thermometer.
  • Make direct comparisons using measurable attributes such as length, weight, and capacity.
  • Use a ruler to measure inches, feet, yards, and centimeters.
  • Calculate scaled distances.
  • Order objects by length or height.
  • Draw line segments using inches and centimeters.
  • Understand that one task may take more or less time to accomplish than another task. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.
  • Understand that one item may weigh more or less than another item. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.
  • Understand that one item may hold more or less than another item. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.
  • Identify units of capacity: cup, pint, quart, and gallon.
  • Estimate and measure capacity.
  • Measure objects using non-standard units of measurement.

Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Communication

  • Identify the questions asked in a problem.
  • Recognize when additional information is required to solve a problem.
  • Use simple logic to solve a problem.
  • Describe how the problem was solved.
  • Determine whether a solution to a problem is reasonable.
  • Make predictions.
  • Use addition and subtraction to solve a word problem.


  • Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills.
  • Understand the value of coins.
  • Find the value of a set of coins.
  • Compare the values of set of coins.
  • Read and write money amounts to $1.00 using dollar and cent symbols.
  • Select coins for a given amount.
  • Pay for items and make change using coins and bills.
  • Add and subtract money amounts.


  • Recognize one half, one third, and one fourth of a given whole.
  • Write a fraction to show a part of a whole.
  • Color a diagram to represent a fraction.
  • Recognize equal parts of a whole.
  • Compare fractions.
  • Locate rational numbers on a number line.
  • Read directions and follow a recipe including fractions.

Statistics and Probability

  • Collect, sort, and tally data.
  • Find the range, median, and mode of a set of data.
  • Make an inference, and experiment to test the inference.


  • Use simple picture graphs, bar graphs, tables, and charts to solve problems and record information.
  • Compare information and draw conclusions using graphs.


  • Demonstrate how a calculator works.
  • Use a simple calculator to add, subtract, multiply, and divide sets.