Fifth Grade Homeschool Lesson Plans and Workbook | Semester Two
“It is a great curriculum. I like how it explained everything. It explained math really well, and I liked how it gave examples of everything. Specifically, I like the body and WW2 units. The muscles, tendons, bones, and learning about the different troops was cool. It was way less time than public school, and I am learning about really cool stuff!” Prodigio, fifth grade student.
Homeschool Complete’s comprehensive curriculum develops strong academic skills and is designed to instill a love of learning. Our all-inclusive, literature-based curriculum provides detailed lesson plans created around thematic units that children love. The pre-planned lessons cover all academic areas and are bound in one sturdy binder that functions as a portfolio:
- Language Arts
- Math
- Social Studies
- Science
- Physical Development
- Fitness
- Art
- Music
- Character Development
- Bible
Our user-friendly teacher’s manual provides daily lessons, student workbook pages, answer keys, teaching aids, suggestions for student assessment, and more. The design of the curriculum frees you from the burden of planning and allows you more time with your child. The program is easy for the parent to prepare and follow, and truly contains everything you need for a complete program. Structured for a four-day school week, one day is left open for activities of your choice.
Please view the skills and concepts that are reinforced within the fifth grade homeschool curriculum, and try the free lessons from semester two. Our program is aligned with accepted grade-level standards, ensuring your child is prepared to progress to sixth grade.
If you have an additional child completing the semester two Fifth Grade Complete program, be sure to purchase an additional student workbook so each child has his own workbook.
The Starter Art Kit is the perfect bundle to affordably start a foundational craft supply that includes pipe cleaners, tissue paper, google eyes, pom poms, glitter glue, markers, paint, and more.
Fifth Grade Teacher’s Manual Includes:
- Student Workbook pages
- Daily lesson plans for all subjects
- Step-by-step instructions for teaching your child
- Activities for different learning styles
- Enrichment activities to challenge advanced learners
- Reading comprehension pages
- Patterns for art projects
- Appendix with additional resources
- Literature List
- Materials List
- Verse List
- Pledges
- Recipes
- Songs
- Graph Paper
- Hundred Chart
- Number Line
- Capacity Conversion Chart
- Bingo Game Boards
- Hangman Game Boards
- Sink the Ship Game Boards
- Squares Game Boards
- Bar Graph Template
- Line Graph Template
- Paper Money Templates
- Pattern Blocks Templates
- United States Map
- World Map
- Oral Presentation Rubric
- Poetry Presentation Rubric
- Writing Rubric
- Addition Fact Worksheets
- Subtraction Fact Worksheets
- Multiplication Fact Worksheets
- Division Fact Worksheets
Pages are copied on durable paper and are easily removable for daily use or homeschool on the go.
ISBN: 978-1-947916-06-7
Teacher’s Manual: 3-Ring Binder
Number of Pages: 890 pages
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
Publisher: A+ Publishing LLC
Publication Date: 2021