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Mathematics Homeschool Curriculum Skills List | Secular Kindergarten

Math skills are introduced with manipulative activities that help the child see and work through the concept in a tactile manner. This is followed by an individual activity or practice worksheet (included in the lesson).

Whole numbers and Sets

  • Count by ones forward from 1 to 100 and backward from any number in the range of 10 to 1.
  • Recognize, read aloud, and write the numerals in order from 0 to 31.
  • Locate numbers from 1 to 31 on the number line.
  • Identify a number that comes after a given number.
  • Identify a number that comes before a given number.
  • Understand that numerals stand for a number of items.
  • Compare two sets of up to 10 objects each and say whether the number of objects in one set is equal to, greater than, or less than the number of objects in the other set.
  • Develop the ability to understand and use ordinal numbers, first through tenth.
  • Apply ordinals to daily experiences.

Patterns and Operations; Algebraic Thinking

  • Copy, extend, describe, and create simple repetitive patterns.
  • Translate a pattern among sounds, symbols, movements, and physical objects.
  • Model addition by joining sets of objects and note that the new set is more than any of the original sets.
  • Add horizontally and vertically to ten.
  • Model subtraction by removing a set from a given set and note that the number left is less than the original set.
  • Subtract horizontally and vertically to ten.
  • Use addition and subtraction to solve problems.

Geometry and Measurement

  • Identify, name, and describe circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, cubes (boxes), spheres (balls), and cylinders (cans).
  • Sort shapes and explain the sorting rule.
  • Classify objects according to color, shape, size, function, likenesses, and differences.
  • Describe the location of one object relative to another object using words such as in, out, over, under, above, below, between, next to, behind, and in front of.

Measurement/ Estimation

  • Develop a sense of time relationships
    • Calendar
    • Clock: to the hour
    • Sequencing of events
  • Identify dates on a calendar.
  • Solve problems using a calendar.
  • Identify yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
  • Identify days of the week and months of the year.
  • Identify morning, afternoon, evening, and night.
  • Make direct comparisons using measurable attributes such as length, weight, and capacity.
  • Understand that one task may take more or less time to accomplish than another task. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.
  • Understand that one item may weigh more or less than another item. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.
  • Understand that one item may hold more or less than another item. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.

Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Communication

  • Identify the questions asked in a problem.
  • Recognize when additional information is required to solve a problem.
  • Use simple logic to solve a problem.
  • Describe how the problem was solved.
  • Determine whether a solution to a problem is reasonable.


  • Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
  • Understand the value of coins to ten cents.


  • Recognize one half of a given whole.
  • Recognize equal parts of a whole.

Statistics and Probability

  • Collect and sort data.
  • Use simple picture graphs, bar graphs, tables, and charts to solve problems and record information.
  • Make an inference, and experiment to test the inference.


  • Use simple picture graphs, bar graphs, tables, and charts to solve problems and record information.
  • Compare information and draw conclusions using graphs.


  • Demonstrate how a calculator works.
  • Use a simple calculator to add sets.
  • Demonstrate how to use a mouse to play a computer game.