Social Studies Secular Homeschool Curriculum Skills List | Second Grade
Social Studies concepts create the themes for some of the units within Second Grade Complete. The activities and discussion questions stimulate higher-level thinking and encourage understanding of the concepts.
- Know name, address, and phone number.
- Identify city, state, and country of residence.
- Recite pledges.
- Understand how to show respect for our American flag.
- Understand that people are special and have feelings.
- Understand that people are different.
- Learn about America’s original colonies.
- Understand the significance of a patriotic song.
- Place important events in chronological order on a timeline.
- Recognize and learn about the Northeast states.
- Learn about historical figures.
- Develop basic map skills.
- Identify locations on a United States map.
- Use a compass rose on a map.
- Plot coordinate locations on a map.
- Use maps and photos to identify and locate major landmarks or major physical features of the United States.
- Design a map of a town.
- Learn about national landmarks in Washington D.C.
- Identify components of a world map.
- Develop an understanding of basic economic principles.
- Understand how people make economic choices.
- Classify materials as natural resources, capital resources, or human resources.
- Differentiate between a producer and a consumer.
- Identify businesses in the local community.
- Describe how businesses in the local community meet economic wants of consumers.
- Learn about scarcity and surplus.
- Learn about pioneers.
- Compare and contrast pioneer lifestyle to today.
- Learn about Native Americans.
- Make and play a Native American game.
- Recognize contributions of famous missionaries.
- Understand the role of cowboys in settling the west.
- Learn about rivers.
- Learn about national parks.
- Recognize, name, and locate continents and oceans on a world map.
- Learn about Africa.
- Learn about mountains.
- Make a model of a canyon.
- Learn about the Underground Railroad.