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Math Secular Homeschool Curriculum Skills List | Third Grade

Math skills are introduced with manipulative activities that help the child see and work through the concept in a tactile manner. This is followed by an individual activity or practice worksheet (included in the lesson).

Whole Numbers and Sets

  • Count by twos, threes, fours, fives, and tens from 1-100 by memory.
  • Count by hundreds to one thousand.
  • Recognize, read aloud, and write the numerals in order from 0 to 1,000.
  • Understand and identify place value for each digit in numbers to 1,000.
  • Apply expanded notation to model place value through 999.
  • Draw symbols on a place value chart to represent three-digit numbers.
  • Identify the value of Roman numerals.
  • Identify even and odd numbers.
  • Identify a number that comes after a given number.
  • Identify a number that comes before a given number.
  • Identify a number that comes between two given numbers.
  • Identify one, ten, one hundred, and one thousand more than a given number.
  • Round numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.
  • Write numbers in expanded form.
  • Estimate sums and differences up to 100.
  • Continue to develop the ability to understand and use ordinal numbers, first through twelfth.
  • Apply ordinals to daily experiences.
  • Use comparison symbols (<, =, >).
  • Use a calculator to add, subtract, multiply, and divide sets.
  • Use a map scale to convert inches to feet or miles.

Patterns and Operations: Algebraic Thinking

  • Compare numbers up to 100.
  • Review addition facts 0-20.
  • Review subtraction facts 0-20.
  • Write addition and subtraction fact families.
  • Identify a missing addend.
  • Write an addition equation from a “some, some more” story.
  • Use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to check answers.
  • Use manipulatives to model and solve multiplication problems.
  • Learn multiplication facts 0-10.
  • Learn division facts 1-10.
  • Use manipulatives to model and solve division problems.
  • Learn divisibility rules.
  • Understand that multiplication and division are inverse operations.
  • Identify the factors of a number.
  • Copy, extend, describe, and create simple repetitive patterns.
  • Identify a missing symbol in a repeating pattern.
  • Identify a missing number in a sequence.
  • Use a variable to represent an unknown amount.
  • Use variables in contextual situations.
  • Solve for a variable in an equation.
  • Identify and write a function rule.
  • Write numbers in expanded form and written form.
  • Add five single-digit addends without and with regrouping.
  • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide two- and three-digit numbers.
  • Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems.
  • Recognize and apply the Associative Property of Addition.
  • Recognize and apply the Associative Property of Multiplication.
  • Recognize and apply the Commutative Property of Addition.
  • Recognize and apply the Commutative Property of Multiplication.
  • Recognize and apply the Identity Property of Multiplication.
  • Recognize and apply the Zero Property of Multiplication.
  • Follow and apply the order of operations.


  • Identify, name, and describe polygons.
  • Identify angles, vertices, and sides.
  • Identify, name, and describe solids.
  • Identify the interior and the exterior of a shape.
  • Find the area of a regular and an irregular shape.
  • Find the perimeter of a regular and an irregular shape.
  • Find the volume of a solid.
  • Identify and draw rays and lines.
  • Identify and draw congruent shapes or line segments.
  • Identify and draw horizontal and vertical lines and line segments.
  • Identify and draw parallel and perpendicular lines and line segments.
  • Identify and draw oblique lines and line segments.
  • Identify the diameter, radius, and circumference of a circle.
  • Construct and name angles.
  • Combine geometric shapes to make new shapes.
  • Sort shapes and explain the sorting rule.
  • Classify objects according to color, shape, size, function, likeness, and differences.
  • Identify and draw a line of symmetry.
  • Identify similar shapes.
  • Recognize and draw an acute, obtuse, and right angle.
  • Draw an angle of a given degree using a protractor.
  • Create symmetrical designs.
  • Recognize or draw a reflection and rotation of a shape.
  • Use a geoboard to show polygons, line segments, and angles.

Measurement/ Estimation

  • Use a ruler to measure inches, feet, yards, and centimeters.
  • Draw line segments to the nearest 1/4 inch.
  • Draw line segments to the nearest centimeter.
  • Order objects by length or height.
  • Use digital and analog clocks to tell, write, and show time to the nearest minute.
  • Identify noon, midnight, a.m., and p.m.
  • Order events by time.
  • Compare events according to duration.
  • Solve problems using a calendar.
  • Write the date using digits.
  • Represent numbers on a number line.
  • Read a Fahrenheit thermometer.
  • Identify units of capacity: cup, pint, quart, gallon, milliliter, liter, teaspoon, and tablespoon.
  • Make direct comparisons using measurable attributes such as length, weight, and capacity.
  • Understand relationships between units of measurement.
  • Understand that one task may take more or less time to accomplish than another task. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.
  • Understand that one item may weigh more or less than another item. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.
  • Understand that one item may hold more or less than another item. Make an estimate and experiment to test the estimate.
  • Draw a diagram to scale.
  • Recognize a scale factor.
  • Convert units of measurement.
  • Calculate equivalent measurements.

Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Communication

  • Make predictions.
  • Use simple logic to solve a problem.
  • Use simple logic to solve a mathematical word problem.
  • Use simple logic to solve word puzzles.
  • Describe how the problem was solved.
  • Determine whether a solution to a problem is reasonable.
  • Identify the questions asked in a problem.
  • Recognize when additional information is required to solve a problem.
  • Develop memory skills.


  • Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills.
  • Write an amount of money shown using a cent sign and as a decimal number.
  • Write amounts of money using numbers, a dollar sign, and a decimal.
  • Find the value of a set of coins.
  • Compare monetary amounts using an inequality symbol.
  • Select coins for a given amount.
  • Pay for items and make change using coins and bills.
  • Add and subtract money amounts using a decimal to represent the monetary values.
  • Compare monetary values and determine if one set is equal to, greater than, or less than the other set.
  • Solve word problems using money.


  • Make models that represent given fractions.
  • Recognize one half, one third, and one fourth of a given whole.
  • Write a fraction to show a part of a whole.
  • Compare fractions.
  • Identify equivalent fractions.
  • Add or subtract mixed numbers.
  • Identify numerator and denominator.
  • Locate rational numbers on a number line.
  • Represent and write mixed numbers.
  • Reduce an improper fraction to lowest terms.
  • Convert improper fractions to whole numbers.
  • Rewrite improper fractions as mixed numbers.
  • Locate positive and negative numbers on a number line.
  • Read directions and follow a recipe including fractions.
  • Use a fraction to represent part of an hour.
  • Convert decimal numbers to fraction form.
  • Write the remainder of a long division equation as a fraction in lowest terms.

Statistics and Probability

  • Conduct a survey.
  • Collect, sort, and tally data.
  • Find the range, mean, median, and mode of a set of data.
  • Solve problems using graphs, charts, and tables.
  • Make an inference, and experiment to test the inference.
  • Predict the most likely or least likely outcome in a probability experiment.
  • Make arrangements that represent the number of possibility combinations of items from a set.
  • Compare theoretical probability and experimental probability.


  • Use simple picture graphs, bar graphs, circle graphs, tables, and charts to solve problems and record information.
  • Compare information and draw conclusions using graphs.
  • Collect, organize, describe, and display data using Venn diagrams.
  • Graph coordinates on a coordinate plane.


  • Demonstrate how a calculator works.
  • Use a simple calculator to add, subtract, multiply, and divide sets.