Home > Skills List > Grade-Level Faith-Based Program > Third Grade > Social Studies

Social Studies concepts create the themes for the units within Third Grade Complete. The questions for discussion of the concepts incorporate new vocabulary words that become part of your child’s usable vocabulary and stimulate higher-level thinking skills. The included enrichment activities reinforce the skills in a fun or challenging way.

  • Know name, address, and phone number.
  • Identify city, state, and country of residence.
  • Understand that people are special to God and have feelings.
  • Recognize and learn about the Western states.
  • Recall state capitals.
  • Learn about the history of the Olympics.
  • Learn about historical figures.
  • Learn about United States history: the Cold War, the Civil War, the American Revolution.
  • Understand and apply how maps and globes are used to display regions of the world.
  • Use maps and photos to identify and locate major landmarks or major physical features of the United States.
  • Apply basic economic principles.
  • Understand how people make economic choices and stay within a budget.
  • Differentiate between goods and services.
  • Classify materials as natural resources, capital resources, or human resources.
  • Understand how cultural contributions of various groups have shaped the history of the world.
  • Compare and contrast pioneer lifestyle to today.
  • Learn the characteristics of a rural community.
  • Compare and contrast communities.
  • Recognize contributions of famous missionaries.
  • Recognize and learn about other continents.
  • Understand how the environment affects cultural groups.
  • Understand how individuals within a community work together for the good of the community.
  • Characterize qualities of good citizenship.
  • Place events in chronological order on a timeline.